‘they are heavy at the same time it is very melodic and well played shit so i think anyone who is not too one-way-minded would appreciate their songs’ … Adelina, Sweden
What the industry says
Updates for 2016, Mindofalion have been busy in the studio, releasing an EP to critical acclaim, they immediately secured a play listing for BBC introducing, and have been inundated with live shows. Smashing the Brighton scene wide open they are very pleased to announce a series of Major UK Festivals
The wheel keeps rolling… After the success of our Sell out EP launch leading to Machina being played on BBC Sussex for BBC Introducing (link below) we are now very proud to announce we will be playingY Not Festival!! Editors, Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds, our friends at Madness, our favourite band The Hives are headlining and we are playing alongside our friends SAFE TO SWIM, Thyla, Atlas Wynd, Penelope Isles, MANC BOYS Duke Mercury,The Rocking Horse Club, SEATS… You get the picture. A lot of amazing talent.
Buy a ticket on the YNOT website. More news to come…
Listen to Machina

Top night last night for the Mindofalion EP launch. Which should be on all platforms in a couple of days?!
To all the bro’s and sisters that made it. Love you all. @palmpleasures Atlas Wynd Penelope Isles — with Harry Sotnick, Jack Looker, Jack Sowton, Jack Brewis-Lawes, Lily Wolter, Sam Evans and Jack Wolter.
When’s it going to stop? So to remind ourselves… Sell out EP (THANKS EVERYONE!), BBC Sussexand BBC Introducing play Machina on national radio, Origin EP gets released on all major platforms – a first for Mindofalion, then we reveal we are performing Y Not Festival… Now we are pleased to announce we will be playing Truck Festival!!

2016 sees another band members shuffle, and in comes Sam on Bass guitar, to really lift the live shows, to another level of excitement, Think along the lines of Tim Commerford and you know what to expect from Sams stage performance

2014 tour

Autumn 2014.
M.O.A.L Hit the road for a UK tour. From Manchester in the North to the Deep south
music download
Into 2015 Together with the regular UK shows, M.O.A.L are proud to announce, they have been invited to perform in Stockholm, Sweden. Making this the first international performance.
Event Details Pet Sounds Bar, Stockholm 17th April
‘Maximum Volume music‘……… Brighton based three piece MindOfALion are a new name on the landscape. What you need to know for now is they do a nice line in alternative rock. Tracks like “Monopoly” have a big sound and they are evidently a little different to the usual. Single “Zia Ground” is an interesting song and the band, built around the Brewis-Lawes brothers, Archie and Jack, are clearly driven. Archie’s guitar playing is impressive and when they really let go they are at their best.
Into 2014 Great news Mind of a lion have teamed up with Gullwing USA, with a second video being shot with Mind of a Lion track ‘Conflict’ being overdubbed, lets hope to see this great British band entertaining out cousins in the sunshine
Self motivated musicians expressing their state of mind through a raw, organic and poetic sound. Energy and influence through drums, bass, guitar and vocals.
At a very young age the brothers traveled around India, witnessing the poverty that we don’t experience in our world. People begging in front of their god’s temples, different mind sets, ancient beliefs & the segregation and conflict caused by religion. They use music to express their own thoughts and state of mind, influenced from these early experiences and blend the two to form Mindofalion, write songs to reflect their own life experience. Experimenting and developing, think of the verve, white stripes. but with a new 2014 energy
Check out the new music coming through, with a new direction, in the battle to achieve that stand alone sound
what the press says
Brighton, music blog, Press party

Mind of a lion have been busy writing new material, gigging and would like to announce a new member on bass. Henna
Based in Brighton , England
This hard hitting band are very difficult to pigeon hole, although its clear to see a certain Rage Against the Machine influence. in their early tracks, the stuff coming through in 2014 is in a new direction, showing strong versatility, as the trio find their own individual sound . Mind of a Lion has a definite London working class feel, with an edge of Grime mixed in, but with elements of the verve and white stripes. The first thing that shocks, is the age of the lads when they turn out such a high level performance of well written songs, fully charged live performance. Most young bands tend to follow whatever is popular at the time, but Mind of a Lion seem to be more interested in the message in their music, than being the ‘rock star’.
“Music should have a message” Archie BL

As young lads, brothers Archie and Jack had a children’s tree camp in nearby woods, one day the whole area was cordoned off by police and terrorist material was discovered, which lead to the banning of all bottles on Aeroplanes. Perhaps subconsciously this had a great influence on Archie’s song writing. The First Demo album is entitled ‘Peace through aggression’ which is a direct reference to the life of young people in the 21st century. Living a backdrop of the war on terrorism, with Governments theory of war will create peace.
Co Writers- Archie Brewis-Lawes
& Jack Brewis-Lawes
Storming the stage as the opening band to 2012 Rebellion Festival
Definitely destined for the big time, Mind of a lion are the future of the British underground.

live in Brixton, London
Check out their songs: Monopoly, Obstacle, Zia Origin.
This is the new punk rock/indie/alternative.
previously known as the Monacles
Into 2014 Great news Mind of a lion have teamed up with Gullwing USA, with a second video being shot with Mind of a Lion track ‘Conflict’ being overdubbed, lets hope to see this great British band entertaining out cousins in the sunshine
Mind of a Lion are two brothers, Jack and Archie, with female band member Henna. Touring the UK in 2014, fighting the never ending battle for recognition. They started life as musicians at 12 years old, writing a full album of material. this is a video, made by them at that age
written in 2007, by the boys, then aged 12 years old ‘Reliegion’